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Test Tuesday: Water Resistance


**NOTE: This article was originally published 05/16/2017**

In this Test Tuesday we decided to put our Readi-Board Water Resistant foam board to the test. The goal was to test just how water resistant the board is.

To begin I created a box. The style is one that I use often. I utilize a single piece and score along the edges, cutting through one of the paper facers. Then bend the flaps up to get my shape. I’ve included some images of my template stage. At this point of my experiment I’m using standard Readi-Board just to make sure my measurements work before moving onto working with the Water Resistant board.

Using masking tape to hold the box’s shape, I used hot glue to seal up all seams and corners. I was very generous with the glue in this step, so keep that in mind if you intend to repeat this test.

The first amount of water was put into our container the morning of March 6, 2017. Initially I only put approximately 2 inches of water into the container. By March 14th our Water Resistant box was holding up great, so I decided to add more water.

The image above shows how much water I filled the box with. I tinted the water with a little blue water color paint to make it easier to see. After refilling it I left it alone, checking it periodically for leaks.

The box held the water until April 20th in the early afternoon, when it sprung a leak from one of its corners. That is an impressive 37 days!  Also to be fair, the box had withstood a fair amount of handling and movement throughout this 37 day period.

A foam board box isn’t the best option if you are looking to hold a volume of water, but our Readi-Board Water Resistant certainly passed the test in our opinion. This test allowed me to have the confidence to use it to create a container to hold soil and plant flowers in (which is holding up very well). If you don’t believe us, try it out for yourself! Readi-Board Water Resistant is a great option for yard sale signs, outdoor activities, model airplanes and boats, and other fun activities that could come in contact with moisture.

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